Gallery of Sailor Saturn anime Pictures

Also pictures of Mistress 9 and Hotaru Tomoe, but that's all the same anyway, so why bother disclaiming it? CAUSE I'M CRAZY!

Special special ultra-super incredible thanks to Sailor Avalon of Pic-A-Day (link to that wonderful site in my "linklinklink!!!" section) because without Pic-A-Day half these pictures wouldn't be here. The ones that AREN'T from Pic-A-Day are from and the wonderful image galleries. None of these pictures are fanart as far as I know. If you recognize a pic as being originally from your website and you don't give permission to have that pic up just email me and I'll take the offending picture down. Don't wanna get sued or anything, cause that would really suck, no da? You can take all the pictures you want from here. I mean, these are almost all copyright of Toei and Kodansha and Cloverway in here, btw I do NOT own the rights to any of these, so why should I stop people from taking them? That would be pointless. Just a warning though, even though I have no idea why anyone would care: I put a comment on each picture stating that it can be traced back to my site. I didn't even give a URL, just the name of my site and that I run it, for tracking and amusement purposes only. That being said, on with the show! And no I DON'T care if you somehow remove the comment. It's next to impossible to see anyway.
















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