About Me...


This is me. In a Xellos outfit. Heh heh...loooooooooong story. I chose this pic because it looks nothing like I normally do. For one thing my eyes are normally open and for another thing I wear preppy clothes and my hair is blonde, although that's only hairspray not a wig. Blame my hairstyler. I'm still only fourteen and my parents don't want pics of me all over the internet so I blurred my face out to discourage stalkers and the like. The guys who stalk me on AIM already are quite enough; I don't need any more people running after me every time I sign on and getting new screennames so I can't ever block them, etc. etc, so that's why I want a pic of me that looks nothing like I normally do. So here's the really weird weird facts about Dark Silence no Hime, and if you think that the following paragraph will yield ANY information of ANY sort that is REMOTELY useful for ANYTHING except for my age, which you already know because I said it in the second sentence on this page...then I don't think you know me very well, no da?

My irl name actually does mean "Divine Moon Goddess Warrior." (the "actually is because nobody ever believes me) I love roses and comedic fantasy and anime and surfing the net and huggling things and talking and generally doing things and I am the kind of person who tends to go on crazes that don't really last that long (for more information see the Obsession Cycles on my other site, Rose Pen- link coming soon). I am addicted to the following things: Slayers, Sailor Moon and MKR manga, sugar, roses, sugar, caffeine, green tea, sugar, being a generally hyper and "shining shining" girl, sugar, eating WAAAY too much and going on what my friend calls "giant Ryoko-fests" and what another of my friends calls "acting like Lina Inverse at a buffet," sugar, being hyper, sugar, and of course don't forget the sugar. I actually don't particularly like the Sailor Moon anime anymore, because the dub hacked it up so much and I don't have access to subtitled S tapes until I get all my money back because I'm broke currently because I splurged on a Slayers NEXT DVD set and fansubs are a no-no in my household, so I content myself with a rather large collection of Sailor Moon manga, which I read almost daily, explaining why all of the logos on my site are from the manga--it's because I prefer the manga to the anime. And in case anyone is curious, the logo with Hotaru standing in front of all that snow/stars was edited and colored by me and anyone who steals it for any reason shall die die die die DIE! ::laughs like Presea from Magic Knight Rayearth:: So how should I punish any offenders...oops sorry. My favorite all-time anime characters are Sailor Saturn, Xellos from Slayers (NO comments about the above pic! None! No comments! Or you DIE!), Fuu from Magic Knight Rayearth, Lantis from Magic Knight Rayearth 2 ::goes all starry-eyed and sighs::, Rin from Please Save My Earth, Chichiri from Fushigi Yuugi (even though I've only seen one tape with him in it, no da), Ashitaka from Princess Mononoke, Touga from Revolutionary Girl Utena (notice the pattern of mostly bishounen in here), Haruhiko from Please Save My Earth, Allen from Escaflowne, and a LOT of other people who I am just forgetting about right now and I'll probably remember two seconds after you read this. One interesting thing about me is that I tend to pick up habits from friends, internet acquaintances, and random anime characters, particularly my favorites. Meaning: you can often catch me doing a "himitsu pose" when I'm in a silly mood, I speak internet/grep sailormoon* slang, and since I just watched Fushigi Yuugi yesterday you'll catch me saying "no da" a lot, no da? (Chichiri manages to fit "no da" into almost every single sentence...it looks like a lot even when the sub only translates about half of the usages) And in case anyone is wondering, the above picture is NOT how I normally dress; that's me in a school play. Which took place during World War II. So of COURSE I'm in a weird outfit.

Handy Hime-Speak Glossary!

no da="you know" I picked this phrase up from watching Chichiri on Fushigi Yuugi
sore wa himitsu desu="it's a secret" (god I hope you don't see this one on this site--it's a Xellos-ism to the tenth degree)
huggles=a rather hyper kind of hug, given to members of both sexes to show friendly affection
glomp=overwhelming hug, used on close close friends or members of the opposite sex (mostly it's the girls who glomp)
compy=my computer
Justice=my computer (as in "Justice sux!")
Mazokem=my evil 56k modem
::action::=indicates what the speaker is doing
::throws a royal fit::=jumping up and down, sulking, while pounding the air with my fists
bai bai=MY way of saying "bye bye" since "bai bai" looks much cuter, no da?
gsm* or grep* or grep=Grep Sailormoon * , also known as www.sailormoon.org
hmph=A kind of sulky noise. NOTE: I never sulk for real. It's always fake sulking for humorous purposes.


Hope that now you can remotely understand the crazy webmistress here. And if you have any questions just email me at silencehime@yahoo.com and I'll try to answer it and if you think that something should be added to the Handy Hime-Speak Glossary then email me and I'll add the offending word/phrase/whatever to the list. Also, any instances of "sore wa himitu desu" being used on this site, or "it's a secret" too, should be reported to me via email so I can stamp out Slayers contamination from this purely Sailor Saturn website. Although I can't stamp out the Chichiri-isms, no da? They don't really detract from anything. So don't email me with reports of "no-da-ing" being used all over the place cause I don't really care, no da? Well that's it from the Crazy Crazy Insane Webmistress. Also if you have ANY pics of bishounen who are REALLY huggle-worthy and are from animes from which I do NOT have a favorite character listed above and the pics are NOT hentai WHATSOEVER could you PLEASE tell me the URL? ^_~ I'd appreciate it! Bai bai! (for now...)

~Dark Silence no Hime the Ever-Insane Webmistress














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